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Higher Degree (HD) programmes
Academic Year 2025-26

  1. Read carefully read the instructions and eligibility conditions before proceeding to apply online.
  2. Candidates can apply for seeking admissions to Higher Degree Programmes either using GATE/GPAT (GPAT in case of all M.Pharm Programmes) or through BITS HD TEST or through BOTH the modes. Final admission to a particular programme will be only on the basis of merit. Candidates will be asked to choose this option at the time of applying..
  3. You are advised to take a printout of these instructions so that you can refer to the same while filling the form. Once you confirm the correctness of entered data it will be recorded and you will not be allowed to change it thereafter.  Therefore before confirming please ensure the correctness of all entered data.
  4. While filling the final aggregate %marks in the application form if your University/Institution awards results in the form of grade point convert it into % and enter it in the online form. (For ex: If your Cumulative Grade Point Average is 7.5 on a scale of 10 then enter the marks in percentage as 75% as prescribed by your university). For finalizing Admission, your final results of the qualifying degree should be available. Please read the brochure for more details.
  5. Before printing out the filled-in form, the system will generate a unique application number for you. Note down this number and use it in your future communications to BITS, Pilani. 
  6. After filling the online form pay the prescribed application fee online (using any of the payment modes given). Keep the print out of the completed application form (you are not required to send the hard copy of the printed form to Admissions Office, BITS Pilani).
    Last date for submitting the completed application form online is 19th April 2025 by 5 PM.
  7. While applying online, do not use the 'Back' button on the toolbar of your browser. Use the links and buttons available on the page to move from one page to another. Further, when you have completed applying, close all the open browser windows so that others cannot copy your personal details.
  8. Candidate is allowed to fill and submit only one online application form. Multiple applications of a candidate is liable to be rejected.
  9. Before starting your online application keep ready scanned images of Photograph and Signature in the format of jpg only. If you are applying through GATE/GPAT option, keep your scaned copy of a score card ready for upload.
    Size of photo image must be between 50 kb to 100 kb.
    Size of signature image must be between 10 kb to 50 kb. 
    Size of documents must be between 100KB to 300KB.

Payment Details: (The application fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.)

  1. Those who wish to be considered through GATE/GPAT score only: Rs. 1000/-
  2. Those who wish to be considered through BITS HD Online Test: Rs. 3500/-
  3. Those who wish to be considered through both the options (BITS HD Online Test and GATE/GPAT):Rs. 3500/-

The fee can be paid using any of the following modes:

  1. Payment using PayU Money Payment Gateway : Credit card/Debit card/Net banking/UPI
  2. Payment using PayTM Payment Gateway : Credit card/Debit card/Net banking/UPI
  • Note:- Please note that any financial information such as Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Net Banking details are not captured by the BITS server while making online payment. Click Here to read the privacy policy.
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